
Thank you for taking time to check out our website and see what Elk City United Methodist Church is all about. Our prayer is that whether you already have or are seeking a faith community, you might witness God’s mighty work being done through the ministries of Elk City UMC.

We would love an opportunity to meet you! You are always invited to come and see Elk City UMC!! Please use the contact information found on this page for more information about our church or to speak with one of us. God bless you!

Pastor Scott


  • Children to kick off Holy Week on Palm Sunday!

    Join us for worship on Palm Sunday, April 13, as we begin Holy Week at Elk City UMC! Our children will participate in a Palm Processional at the beginning of each service to commemorate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Worship with us at 9 and 11 a.m.!

  • Women's Communion Breakfast is April 15!

    The United Women in Faith will hold a silent breakfast during Holy Week on Tuesday, April 15 at 7 a.m. in the Narthex. A light breakfast will be provided, written devotionals will be available and communion will be served during the breakfast. Please join us for this special event created to prepare our hearts for Easter. All women are welcome!

  • Kids Easter Egg Hunt

    Our GLOW Kids & Hwy 456'ers will have an Easter Egg Hunt during regular Wednesday night programming from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on April 16! All kids, ages 2 through 6th grade, are welcome! For more information contact Children's Director Lindsay Marks at 225-0262.

  • Holy Thursday/Good Friday Service is April 17

    Join us on Thursday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. for a special Holy Thursday/Good Friday service in the Sanctuary as we focus on Jesus' journey to the cross during Holy Week. All are welcome.

  • Easter Sunday Services on April 20

    Gather with us in worship on Easter Sunday, April 20, as we celebrate the risen Lord together! Two services are available: a traditional service with full choir and Easter hymns at 9 a.m. in the Sanctuary, and a contemporary service with praise band at 11 a.m. in the Life Center. All are welcome!

  • Digital Library

    Did you know that Elk City UMC has a YouTube channel? Subscribe today to watch sermon series, devotions, Bible studies and more in our digital library!

  • Journey Through the Bible

    Looking to read the Bible from beginning to end? We've got a great guide to help you plan your daily readings! Click here for a reading guide for the first half of the year. And here for the second half. You can start any time...enjoy your journey through the Word of God! Note: Our pastors filmed weekly video highlights that follow the reading plan. These would be a great resource and encouragement as you read through the Bible. They can be found in the Videos section on our Facebook page under the playlist "Journey Through the Bible."

  • RightNow Media

    RightNow Media is a streaming library of Bible study videos by many Christian speakers and teachers. Elk City UMC's subscription gives our church members FREE access to hundred of Bible studies, training videos and kids programming - content for all ages! The RightNow Media app is also available for download. Contact the church office for more information!