Our Adult Ministries at Elk City UMC are many. If you are looking for fellowship, education, resources or simply a place to plug in...we have something for everyone.
There are several different Sunday School classes to choose from, meeting from 10 to 10:45 a.m. between worship services.
Faith Class - One of our larger groups, this class uses a variety of materials that change with the Christian calendar and also with the seasons of the year. Teachers rotate and the class enjoys a broad range of viewpoints and lively conversations.
Conversation Class - This class follows the format of a book club in which participants discuss the book in turn in an open and loving environment where thoughts and perspective are valued and respected.
Fellowship Class - This class is also one of our larger groups, formed by adults in their 30's and 40's. The Fellowship Class uses a variety of materials based on the needs of the group. This class also occasionally plans fellowship events outside of church.
Epworth Class/Pastor's Study - This class uses material suggested by participants of various ages. As with many other classes, the age diversity helps create meaningful interaction and learning opportunities for all participants. Participants cover of a variety of ages and life experiences. Because of how this class is made, it allows having a wealth of wisdom where everybody benefits, learns and grows in their journey with God.
Wednesday Nights:
Adult Bible Studies -- 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights. Classes will be offered during each school semester. Subjects may vary: Methodism 101, Discipleship 101, Bible Studies, etc. *Please check the church newsletter and bulletins for new class opportunities as they become available. Child care is available during Bible study times. If you are interested in starting a new Bible study, please contact Pastor Scott at 225-0262.
Chancel Choir -- Weekly practice is from 11 a.m. to noon on Sundays. Do you love to sing? All are invited to join in this music ministry! The Chancel Choir meets in the Sanctuary. Please contact Justin Ediger at 225-0262 for more information. The choir performs in our 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings.
New Day Praise Band -- Weekly practice is from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Life Center on Wednesdays. Do you play an instrument? Love to sing? Contact Kevin Casebeer at 225-0262 to inquire. The band covers contemporary Christian songs in our 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings.
Other Adult Ministries:
United Women in Faith
Prayer Ministry
SONshine Ministry
Emmaus Weekends/Gatherings
Congregational Care
Lay Speaker Training
Hobby Nights
Foster Care Ministry and more...
For more information on these and other adult ministries, contact the church office at 225-0262.